ABHAY KUMAR DUBEY is a well known public intellectual, a prolific author of scholarly works, tv debater, social media analyst, orator, translator and editor. a professor at delhi’s centre for the study of developing societies (csds), he has been leading the project and enterprise of social science knowledge production in hindi. his works span themes and areas as varied as linguistic modernity, problems of secularism, construction of hindi feminism, dalit movement, linguistic ideology of colonialism, cultures of media, political biographies of post-nehru leadership, studies in globalization and urban sexualities. unwaveringly given to the life of mind, he drives his motto from a ghalib’s couplet:
है आदमी बजाए ख़ुद इक महशर-ए-ख़याल,
हम अंजुमन समझते हैं ख़ल्वत ही क्यूँ न हो।